Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Crazy Accessory Thursday!!!

We bring back the Crazy Accessory Day!

This Thursday during your Zoom meeting wear an accessory it can be funny, scary, original. Surprise us!!! It can be hats, wigs, glasses, scarfs etc.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy Birthday!

Today, we are celebrating Maïka's 10th birthday!

Have a wonderful day sweetie! We wish a marvellous year!

Friday, April 17, 2020

New Work Plan

We have a new work plan.

Download the work plan in the work plan section and now, you only have to click on the links in blue to download the documents. It's easier.
See you Monday!!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Easter!

Your teachers are wishing you happy Easter!

Click on the link!

Comment taper et partager mon texte?

Voici une capsule que j'ai enregistré pour toi si tu as oublié comment taper ton texte et me le partager.

Happy Birthday!!!

Today, we are celebrating Thomas's Birthday!

Feel free to write to him Birthday wishes.
Have a wonderful day Mr Thibault!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Quoi faire 10 minutes avant ma rencontre Zoom?

1. Aller aux toilettes.
Nous n'avons que 40 minutes ensemble par jour. Ce serait important que tu sois prêt à l'heure de la rencontre. On perd beaucoup de temps parce que certains élèves ne sont pas prêts à l'heure de la rencontre et on attend après eux.
Prépare-toi 10 minutes avant svp?

2. Avoir pris une collation AVANT la rencontre. On t'entend mâcher si tu manges pendant un Zoom. C'est désagréable.
3. Prépare-toi une bouteille d'eau.

4. Sors ton matériel AVANT la rencontre(tableau effaçable et marqueur effaçable ou crayon et papier).

Monday, April 6, 2020

Happy Birthday Mavrick!

Yesterday, it was Mavrick's Birthday!

We all wish you a wonderful 10th anniversary!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Happy Birthday!

Today, it's April Fool but it's also Martha's birthday!

Have a wonderful day Martha!!!